Decentralized Encrypted Messaging – TrezarMessage
Trezarcoin 2.1 is a MANDATORY HardFork at Blockheight 1,528,000
We are happy to announce the release of Trezarcoin 2.1 which features the long awaited TrezarMessage GUI. – TrezarMessage is a fully decentralized as well as fully encrypted peer-to-peer blockchain messaging service which runs on the peer-to-peer layer of the Trezarcoin Blockchain.
TrezarMessage is built into the core client of Trezarcoin 2.1.

How to use it?
The “Message” Tab is password protected, so your wallet has to be unlocked to be able to use the Message function.
After a click on “Address” on the top right, it will show you the default Message Address as well as the PubKey to that Address. These need to be shared with your Message partner in order to be able to use the Message service.
With the “Add Contact” you can assign a Name to the Address/PubKey and add it to your ContactList.
Thats it! – Click on the Name you want to write with and just use it as every other Messenger around.
Cold Staking
A new feature of Trezarcoin 2.1 is the ColdStaking feature. You can delegate your coins towards a staking node and dont need to have your coins on the hot wallet all the time to be able to stake.

This function is available within the “Staking” Tab. It will open a Dialog which onboards you to the ColdStaking process.