RoadMap Goals for Q1 2019 Progress


SegWit has been locked in and is ready to go active. Enough clients have been updated over the last few weeks/months that we finally reached enough support for the SegWit activation. Congratz Community!


We have been discussed this Topic and came to the conclusion that we should focus on our Top UseCases and make them as good as possible to get the masses to use them.

So we are going to focus on TrezarTravels and TrezarMessage, in our opinion these two have the most potential and solve a real world problem.

To sum it up, there will be no new UseCase annoucement.


We aim to improve this service as well as extending it. Planned is to get more Hotels ( non VIP+ ) included as well as other booking platforms into the deal.
TrezarTravels 2.0 is still planned, to improve the experience of the TrezarTravels Website for the Masses.


Who dont know about that yet, here is a short writeup of that UseCase:

We have a Team on that and planning to release a Whitepaper on that topic as well as getting the first steps done.
More detailed information can be seen in the upcoming Whitepaper.


We are sad to say that this project is right now on hold, the Code is ready but we arent on an exchange which is supported by BTCPay right now. We hope that Cryptopia comes back, as its an Supported Exchange by BTCPay.

Wallet Update Version 1.2.1:

Its planned to get a new Wallet release out in March 2019, it containts a few fixes which got resolved on the current Master branch. These fixes were primarily for Pools and Exchanges, as well as a few GUI updates to give more detailed information on Staking again.
New iOS | Windows | Linux Binaries will be available then.